tamrapetersen's profile picture


I am an Addiction's Counsellor at Fresh Start Recovery. I received my Addiction's Studies Diploma through Reeves College in 2017. I entered into this field to be able to help men and women with addictions and life struggles. I am committed to contributing to the social awareness and community development in promoting personal well-being for those who struggle. I believe everyone deserves to have the chance to change and have the opportunity to have supports surrounding them during their journey. In my spare time I enjoy attending Sweat Lodges and spending time with my family and friends.

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Meet the Team
Meet the Team
Creating resiliency and-recovering lives while breaking down the stigmas of addiction
Creating resiliency and-recovering lives while breaking down the stigmas of addiction


30 Years ~ One Life at a Time ~ One Day ~ One Week ~ One Year at a Time.

Contact info.

+1 403 387 6266
+1 403 387 6266
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