Education: B.S., Brown University; J.D., Rutgers Law; Masters & Ed.D., U. Penn GSE; Higher Ed Teaching Certificate, Penn GSE.
Work: Sr. Assoc. Dir., GSE Office of Student Success – academic counseling; troubleshoot systemic program-level inclusive strategies for student success; liaison to the non-traditional, online programs, and international students; prioritize equity & inclusion program issues; facilitate the Penn Experience an interdisciplinary asynchronous course highlighting U. Penn relationship to West Philadelphia; Co-Director the Penn Experience Cross-Schools Collaboration; creator of the Writing Commons, a program supporting the writing success of graduate students. Teaching: Adjunct Assistant Professor Penn GSE; Adjunct Professor Rutgers & Kean Universities, Graduate Public Administration Programs
Research: Principal Investigator, Indigenous Consciousness methods, Ahmedabad, India; local funds of knowledge; learner-centered education systems; education policy.