cr38reality's profile picture


💠🌐 I've learned to leverage the unique power of journaling to help manifest my dreams and desires. 💠🌐

My journey led to the creation of the top-performing clean energy business in Long Island by the age of 29. I share this story in detail on my YouTube channel under the title “The Creator’s Journey.”

Through my experiences, 👁️ have come to “Real-Eyez” some profound truths about life and how it really works…

You can hear more about that journey by exploring the links below.

I intend to help inspire others to realize their power to Purposefully and Intentionally create their reality.

My company, NuWorld Energy, is focused on residential electrification, offering a one-stop shop for everyone looking to electrify their homes.

We Aim to Decarbonize 10,000 Homes Across America over the next 5 years as we aid in the the charge toward a cleaner and greener future for all.

Social media


Why Did I Make A Youtube Channel


Conscious Rap
Conscious Rap

Contact info.

+1 631 710 1200
+1 631 710 1200
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